
6 inch Screw Fit Flexible Flue Liner Fitting Kit Includes:-

Rain Cap

Top Plate

Top Clamp

Single To Flex Adapter

Chimney Notice Plate

Nose Cone

Used in conjunction with flexible flue liner

Diameter: 6 inches

CE Approved

Colour: Stainless Steel

Please note that we sell all types of flue pipe and fittings. We also offer a free chimney and flue pipe design and quotation service.. Not sure what you need.. Call 0161 439 1400.

Suitable for gas, oil and solid fuel appliances with temperatures up to 750 degrees C.
Stove pipe should only be used as a connecting pipe between your appliance and Flue Liner / Chimney Stack / Twin Wall Flue System.
Black stove pipe should NOT be used to pass through a ceiling or wall, twin wall insulated flue pipe should be used.

Black stove pipe is a single skin flue system manufactured in zero carbon steel with vitreous enamel coating in a matte black finish.
Suitable for gas, oil and solid fuel appliances with temperatures up to 750 degrees C

You should not install a piece of Black Stove Pipe within 3 times the diameter of the flue from combustible material, e.g. wood, plaster boards, etc.
A 5 inch (125mm) diameter piece of FLUE should be 400mm away from combustible materials.
When installing make sure Black Stove Pipe is installed the correct way up – the smaller diameter should always be pointing downward.
This is because all the condensates will stay within the flue system and not pass to the outside of Black Stove Pipe.
Each joint should be coated with a jointing compound (fire cement or high temperature silicone sealant).This makes sure that no condensate can escape and spoil the appearance of the pipe.

You should make provision for inspecting and cleaning the chimney. This is particularly important on solid fuel applications.
You can achieve this by installing a black pipe with an access door.
It is recommended that chimneys serving solid fuel appliances be swept and maintained as frequently as necessary but at least once a year.